Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A squirt of breastmilk.

Breastfeeding is awesome! Now. Im the beginning, not so much... But I'd go through it again in a heartbeat. When Lilly was born my body wasn't really feeling it. After about 8 hours of natural labor and an hour of pushing, Lilly emerged looking beautiful. The number she did on my body, on the other hand was not so beautiful. I tore from here to Antarctica. So I was busy being stitched..and stitched and stitched. I completely forgot to latch her in the first hour. That was my first mistake. She laid on my newly flat belly for a little over an hour while my two fabulous doctors were up to their elbows in the bloody remains of my prebaby genitalia.

Today is IBLC day so how fitting to make a post on breastfeeding.  Breastfeeding a baby is a natural and beautiful thing.  I never knew how capable my body was. Making enough milk to sustain a beautiful 3 month old baby is a wonderful feeling.  Many people think breastfeeding is a controversial issue. It is. But I don't know why.  Breastfeeding is NATURAL. Its HEALTHY. For both Mom and baby. Stop judging. I don't judge you for giving your baby formula. 

Bottom line. I love breastfeeding and I love being a Mom.


I am the Mom to a healthy and happy baby girl. Lilly is 3 months old and she is my life. She is breastfed, cloth diapered, and is frequently seen being worn by me. She sleeps with me as well. I never thought I'd be such a crunchy mom. In fact some days I think about how much I have changed..then I remember how much I love my life. I love all of my parenting choices. And so does Lilly :)

I quit worrying about what everyone thought about MY life and MY choices for MY daughter and IM happy. Thats key in parenting. Stop worrying about others opinions. The only thing that matters is your childs happiness. Lilly is the happiest little thing, so I know I'm doing my job.

Over the course of this week, I will highlight each of my attachment parenting ways. I also plan to review each diaper I have over the next few weeks.  I want to show them in action. :)

This will be a fun, honest, and informational blog on the messy life of a being a mom!

I included a picture of Lilly napping and in one of my favorite dipes, a cow itti bitti d'lish. ;)